sexta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2012

Teste APC - CI




We Want to Know More About You!
1. Why did you decide to become an au pair?
2. What characteristics or skills do you feel are most important to have in order to be a successful au pair?
3. Have you ever traveled far from home without your family and friends?
(If yes) Where did you go? How long were you there? What was the purpose of this visit?
4. Have you ever visited an English speaking country?
(If yes) Which country did you visit? How long were you there? What was the purpose of this visit?
5. Have you discussed your decision to spend a year abroad with your family? (If no) Why not?
6. Do you live with your family? Yes No
(If yes) What are your responsibilities around the home (laundry, cooking, cleaning dishes, etc.)?
8. How do you envision the typical American family (lifestyle,   personality, busy, two-parent family, suburban house, etc.)?                                                                          
9. Describe your ideal host family. How do you see yourself fitting into their lifestyle?
10. Are you concerned about driving in the United States? Yes No (If yes) Please explain:
11. How are you preparing yourself to drive in the United States?

Let’s Talk About Host Family Life
12. Have you ever had a full-time job? Yes No (If yes) What was your position?
What were your responsibilities?
13. Please describe what you imagine your typical au pair schedule   will be like (i.e. wake children up in the morning, make them breakfast,   etc.)
14. If you were at the park with your host child, and he/she fell off the swing and seriously hurt
themselves, what would you do?
15. What would you do if you were placed with a host family and you did not agree with their discipline style?
16. How would you handle a disagreement with your host family?
17. If two young host children were fighting over a toy, how would you handle the situation?

Situational Questions – What would you do?
18. What would you do if you were driving and one of your host children took off their seatbelt?
19. Most au pairs feel homesick at some point during their program.   What will you do to help yourself feel at home while you are in the   United States?

20. Besides homesickness, what other challenges do you think you will have as an au pair and how will you overcome them?

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