segunda-feira, 25 de março de 2013

A host family by Gap

Hi guy's,

Eu não ia voltar aqui por agora, mas pintou uma novidade.. entao vim compartilhar com ocês, so. ( risos )
 Então, apareceu uma familia no Gap há alguns dias, e estamos trocando emails. A host parece ser uma fofa, são 3 kids ( assustador pra mim ), mas okay.. rsrs.. a idade deles são: 3, 8 e 9. São duas meninas e uma boyzinho. Ela já teve au pair brasileira, que por sinal foi a sua primeira au pair, quando a filha dela mais velha tinha apenas alguns meses de nascida  ( legal ). Hoje essa primeira au pair brasileira dela vive há 1 hora e meia de distancia dela, é casada e tem 2 kids ( massa ). Mas voltando ao que realmente interessa, a host mora em  area north of Albany, NY.

Lindinha a city.. a host disse que tem excelentes universidades por perto.  Ah, ele sao atualmente da agencia Au Pair International, porem estão dispostos a mudar de agência caso aja um match. Eu ainda não estou em nenhuma agencia, eu estava indo me escrever na STB dia 22 de abril, porem eu tenho escutado falarem muito mal da STB, ai ta batendo uma dúvida, se vou pela STB ou não. Então, se nao rola com essa family ( espero que role, em Nome de Jesus ), eu vou dar uma pesquisada sobre algumas outras agencias, e que seja tudo feita pela direção de Deus.

Porem, se eu fechar com essa family, provavelmente eu irei pela Expert Au Pair ou  sei lá o que.. vamos ver, estou entregando nas maos do meu Papai do Céu, e sei que Ele me direcionará a fazer o melhor.

Eu ainda não tenho os horarios de trabalho, mas no perfil dela no Gap esta assim:

Segunda: Manha e tarde
Terça: Manha, tarde e noite
Quarta: Manha, tarde e noite
Quinta: Manha e tarde
Sexta: Manha, tarde e noite
Sabado: Off (Yeahhhhh )
Domindo: Off ( Yeahhh )

Ah, eles tem um cachorro.... Hmmmmm ( Ta valendo ) kkkkkkkk

Vou colocar abaixo os emails que trocamos:

Family : Hi Barbara, Thank you for replying. I am sending you and email, as we are currently looking for an au pair to join our family. As you will read...we have had au pairs in the past and it has always been a great experience. I wanted to learn from you if you currently reside in Brazil and are seeking to match with a family to come to the US or if you are in the US? As this I did not understand, but this is fine as I work with one agency, au pair international, but I am okay to swtich to another if there is a great match.
I hope to hear from you soon!

Mar 23, 2013 at 12:56AM

Me:  Hello Lisa,
I am very happy to see your email address here. I was anxious for it to happen, I confesar (laughs). I'm really interested in his family, and would love to know you guys better. Currently I'm living in Brazil, I'm looking for a good match to be au pair. I've been preparing myself for this for some years, and now I'm really ready for that big moment. I have full support from my family (thank God), so it give me enough strength to go spend 2 years away from everyone I love here, because I'm sure this is the right choice from the moment in which I will get a great experience for my whole life.
About the agency, I'm still not registered in any. However, my favorite is the STB, Cultural Care au pair and Expert. But, if so, the agency can decide together what is good for them, and so we came to a good agreement.
Lisa, this is the first email I return with a family, which I really would be interested, so I'm a little nervous, and I do not know quite what to say (laughs), forgive me.
You can feel free to ask me anything you want. I hope you allow me to ask some questions.
How is the daily life of children? What they like to do in your free time? What are the duties to be fulfilled by your au pair?
I hope to hear you soon.
Well, I'd be a little nervous if you call me, but if you want, my contact number is 55 xxx xxx xxx. Although my English is not perfect, it will be a pleasure. Or we can exchange emails at my email address person is
Have a nice day =)...

 Mar 23, 2013 at 5:30AM

Family: Hi Barbara. I am so sorry it takes so long to respond. Yesterday turned into a busy day and well Sundays, with three kids are always busy so I take time to write often at night. Yes I am interested and would like to send you some more information on our family to your personal email but I dont see that i have. I think this will tell you more about the family-the kids, etc.
I love your note to us and seem so cute, there is no need to be nervous with me....just to be yourself...But I do understand being nervous about the travel and new families, etc. It is a far way from home and I have had many au pairs all with different adjustment to the transition.....but it is hard in all the same...but thank goodness for technology as there is skype and I know that this helped the au pairs feel closer to home and their families!!! Can you send me your personal email so I can send to you more information? Also, what is the time frame you will seek to come to the US? I will look into these agencies. Are these any that you have started the process with and have had to pay money, as i would not want you to lost any money! I will tell you more in personal email.
thank you Barbara!

 Mar 24, 2013 at 9:35PM

Me: Hello Lisa,
I understand how completion should be your weekend. I did apologize for my anxiety (laughs).
My email or
I'd love to get more informations about you and your family. Then I'll tell you a little about my life and what you're interested in knowing.
So I would like to go there in May, June and July. But if I have a good match, we can talk and come to an agreement. Lisa, looks more informations on the agency Expert au pair. Many of my friends au pair, were by that agency. But anyway, feel free to chat with me, and together we can choose what is good for both. I still do not invest any money in the agencies, so I'm super ready to pick it along with you.
You would like an au pair for a while?
Hugs Lisa.

Mar 25, 2013 at 12:07AM

Bem, entao é isso pessoal.. qualquer outra novidade, eu volto aqui para contar. Que tudo dê certo, em Nome de Jesus!!

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